The Wadi Railway - ​​The BFAMI Family Gallery

Thursday, 03.08.23, 19:00

Saturday, 30.12.23


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The Wadi Railway - The BFAMI Family Gallery

Imagine a train ride across a pristine landscape. There is no building, no factory, not even a road in sight. Nothing. Just hills and sand. Through the train window it seems like a place untouched by human hands, but this is obviously an illusion. If we were to stand in the landscape and look towards the train, we would see that the landscape is scarred with iron tracks. Our environment is nearly always shaped by people, who add their own touch to nature, and there is almost no place that is truly natural. But what if humans and nature could live together in better harmony?

You are welcome to design the mountain yourself: plant trees on its slopes and peek into the secrets it reveals through the windows hanging above. Join the ride through the designed landscape to observe it from the inside out and from the outside in.



Tal Erez

1981, Ramat Gan, Israel

Zvi Sahar

1978, Ramat Gan, Israel


The Family Gallery is sponsored by the British Friends of the Art Museums in Israel (BFAMI)


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